Thursday, June 21, 2012

Origin of the Universe: The Big Bang

Dr. Christopher D. Impey, Distinguished Professor, Astronomy/Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona

The scientific story of creation begins 13.7 billion years ago in a circumstance of incredible temperature and density, when all matter and radiation was contained in a region smaller than an atom. The big bang is now a mature theory, with a web of observational evidence supporting it; and the size, shape and age of the universe have been measured with impressive accuracy. This talk will tell the story of how an iota of space-time turned into a vast cold universe of 100 billion galaxies. Presented Tuesday, February 8, 2011.

The College of Science's "Cosmic Origins" lecture series is the story of the universe but it's also our story. Hear about origin of space and time, mass and energy, the atoms in our bodies, the compact objects where matter can end up, and the planets and moons where life may flourish. Modern cosmology includes insights and triumphs, but mysteries remain. Join the six speakers who explore cosmology's historical and cultural backdrop to explain the discoveries that speak of our cosmic origins.

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