Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Universe - Season 1 Episode 04 - Jupiter: The Giant Planet

Uploaded on Apr 29, 2011
The giant planet of Jupiter poses some of the most intriguing questions about our solar system. With a mini solar system of over sixty moons around Jupiter, is it possible that one could contain life?Universe Season Show Documentary Space Science Physics Laws Gravity Newton Albert Einstein Stephen Hawking Newton's law of universal gravitation Sir Isaac Newton: The Universal Law of Gravitation Astronomy Comets Space Galileu Galilei Galaxy Constellation Orion Nebula Dark Matter Dark Energy Expansion Star Planet Solar System The Sun Mercury Venus Earth The Moon Lunar Spaceship Mars Speed of Light Phobos Deimos Jupiter Metis Adrastea Amalthea and Thebe Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Leda Himalia Lysithea Elara Ananke Carme Pasiphae and Sinope Recently discovered moons Saturn Pan and Atlas Prometheus and Pandora Epimetheus Janus Mimas Enceladus Tethys Telesto and Calypso Dione and Helene Rhea Titan Hyperion Iapetus Phoebe Recently discovered satellites Uranus
Cordelia Ophelia Bianca Cressida Desdemona Juliet Portia Rosalind Belinda and Puck Miranda Ariel Umbriel Titania Oberon Caliban Sycorax Prospero Setebos Stephano and Trinculo Neptune Naiad Thalassa Despina and Galatea Larissa Proteus Triton Nereid Pluto Charon Nix and Hydra Dwarf Planets Pluto Ceres Eris Makemake and Haumea Small Bodies Comets Comet Halley Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 The Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud Sedna Asteroids 951 Gaspra 243 Ida 253 Mathilde 433 Eros Meteors Meteorites and Impacts The Interplanetary Medium Black Hole Red Giant Dwarf Planet Dwarf Remnants Atoms Atom The Big Bang Theory Theories Physics Astronomy Astrophysics Cosmology High Energy Physics Quantum Optics and Condensed Matter Physics Planetary Physics Physics Teaching Experimental Theoretical The Unknown seminar colloquium meeting Warp Planetary-sized object Planetary Size Sized wandering star celestial body orbiting Orbit star stellar remnant gravity thermonuclear fusion cleared neighbouring region planetesimal planetesimals International Astronomical Union Ptolemy deferent and epicycle Motion Astronomer Michio Kaku planets orbited the Sun Galileo Galilei Johannes Kepler elliptical astronomers Space Age probes volcanism Plate Tectonics Erosion Geology hurricane tectonic hydrology large low-density gas giants and smaller rocky terrestrials low density giant terrestrial Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars four gas giants Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune natural satellites dwarf planets small Solar System bodies extrasolar planets exoplanets Milky Way Galaxy Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia 1 History Babylon Greco-Roman astronomy India Medieval Muslim astronomy European Renaissance 19th century 20th century 21st century Extrasolar planet definition 2006 definition Former classifications Mythology and naming Formation Solar System Planetary attributes Extrasolar planets Planetary-mass objects Rogue planets Sub-brown dwarfs Satellite planets and belt planets Attributes Dynamic characteristics Orbit Axial tilt Rotation Orbital clearing Physical characteristics Mass Internal differentiation Atmosphere Magnetosphere Secondary characteristics Wind Season The Kuiper Belt the Oort Cloud Ring Main Asteroid Belt Greek astronomy Neo Assyrian Babylonian Astronomy Venus Astrologer Astrologers Mercury Enuma anu enlil Mesopotamia mythology religious cosmology classical planets naked eye wandering star telescope Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Titan Iapetus Rhea Tethys Dione Pallas Juno Vesta Ceres Pluto Astrea Hebe Iris Flora Metis Hygeia Parthenope Victoria Egeria Irene Eunomia Week Day Ancient Greece Helios Selene Olympians Nergal Nabu Marduk Ares Cronus Titan Phosphoros Zeus Hermes Aphrodite Ishtar Empire Pantheon Mercurius Iuppiter Saturnus Poseidon Deity Anglo-saxon god Sub brown dwarf Kepler laws of planetary motion Mass Atmosphere Double planet Dwarf planet Exoplanet -- celestial body outside that solar system Mesoplanet Minor planet -- celestial body smaller than a planet Planetar (astronomy) Planetary mnemonic Planetesimal Protoplanet Rogue planet Extraterrestrial skies List of hypothetical Solar System objects Landings on other planets Space exploration List of planet-satellite systems Planetary habitability Planetary science Exoplanetology Theoretical planetology Planets in astrology Planets in science fiction Systema Saturnium trans-Neptunian The Big Splash List of comets Comet vintages Portal Energy Warp Hole Black Dark Time Space Matter Space Hubble Telescope Ultra Deep Field Radiation Gamma Beta Alpha Mayall II Andromeda Galaxy Milky Way Galaxy Omega Centauri Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy Virgo Stellar Stream Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy Starfish Galaxy Mayall's Object Small Magellanic Cloud Andromeda Galaxy Triangulum Galaxy Messier 101 Omega Centauri Triangulum Galaxy Centaurus A Bode's Galaxy Sculptor Galaxy Messier 83 Andromeda Andromedae

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